My name is Paula Tilli and I work as a public speaker about living with autism from the inside perspective
Those of us with autism are often misunderstood as we process information in another way. In my lectures, I speak about situations when I have experienced the world in a different way than other people. As I have personal experience about living with autism, my lectures are usually appreciated by the audiences.
I was diagnosed with autism and ADHD at the age of 24. I have graduated from the two-year educational program about autism spectrum conditions in Ågesta pulic college in Stockholm, Sweden. During the educational program, we learned more about autism. We also gave presentations and worked as mentors for parents of autistic children.
I always adapt my presentations to suit any audience.
I have several years of experience working as a public speaker and I have given several presentations in different languages in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Kuwait.
In September 2013, I published a book in Finnish with the title ”Toisin: Minun Asperger-elämäni” (Finn Lectura). It has received a considerable amount of attention in Finland. In November 2013, the book also came out in Swedish with the title ”På ett annat sätt: mina erfarenheter av Aspergers syndrom – ett autismspektrumtillstånd” . The book has received excellent reviews and enjoyed a lot of attention in media in both Finland and Sweden. In 2015, the book was also published in English with the title in ”Another Way: My Life with Asperger’s syndrome” (Kuwait Center for Autism).
I have a blog (in Swedish).
My name is Paula Tilli and I give lectures about how it is to live with autism. In my lectures, I speak about the following topics:
– Autism – what is that?
– Growing up with neuropsychiatric conditions: childhood, school and adulthood
– To receive a diagnosis
– My life today
– Autism: challenges and strengths
– Tips on how to support people with autism
Please contact me by the contact form if you want to book me for a lecture. Unfortunately I only have the possibility to answer job inquiries.
My thoughts about autism
Click on the image below to watch a short video interview with me when I appeared in the swedish TV show Vardagspuls (in Swedish).